Monday, July 20, 2015

We're on our way . . .

Whew! After two crazy days, today we were able to stop and catch our breaths. Everything went well with the move – although the schedule was a little off. 

Gainesville’s office of Two Men and a Truck (or as Larry calls them Two Ducks and a Horse, Two Dogs and a Mouse, Two Frogs and a Pig – you get the idea) did a great job. Only issue was instead of arriving between 1-3 p.m. on Saturday, they rolled up to the curb at 6 p.m.  With a move of this distance it’s difficult to know how much traffic and weather you’ll hit – and they got both.

We decided to use them because they literally have their two guys load your stuff, then drive it to your new city and then they unload your belongings at your new home – two guys, one truck. If you don’t have a lot you’re moving (which we didn’t), the big moving companies stick your stuff on a large truck with who-knows-how-many-other-families’ stuff.

The furniture we brought looks great with the few new pieces we purchased (Larry hadn’t realized everything I ordered had “some assembly required” – he was NOT happy with me.) Thankfully, our son-in-law is great at putting furniture together – so my life was ultimately saved.

The only other issue with the last few days is it has been Florida-hot. The heat is supposed to break on Wednesday – and get closer to the mid-80s/mid-60s NYC usually sees this time of the year.

This morning we got up (well, Larry got up at 6:15 a.m. and I managed to pull my lazy butt out of bed around 8 a.m.) and took a walk along the Hudson River. We are only about a six-minute walk to Riverside Park – and other than being a little warm, it was a beautiful morning. We managed to get Missy to agree to go along – she’s still struggling a little with the transition. She hates the big, loud trucks – and don’t even get her started on the buses. 

We explored the neighborhood around lunchtime – and then this afternoon, I left Larry behind to watch the end of the British Open while I popped into Williams-Sonoma and Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy the last few things we needed for the apartment.

One of the great things about New York City is its walk ability. We are averaging about 5-6 miles a day – and I hope to build up closer to 10.  It is hard on my back and hips, but I’m hopeful my muscles will get stronger in the coming weeks.  The other benefit is I’m sleeping better – nothing like physical exhaustion to help with sleep.

We love the neighborhood – I’ve already found my favorite grocery stores and started shopping like a New Yorker: only buy what we need for the next day or so. I also love that you can buy small amounts of produce from carts on street corners – a banana for a quarter, a green pepper for 50 cents, $2 for an avocado, two pints of blackberries for $5. It’s so much more convenient than having to go into the store!

We're going to continue organizing the apartment for the rest of the week (and I’ll continue figuring out where to hide all the stuff Larry thinks I shouldn’t have brought)! LOL. Thanks to all for your warm wishes. We’re on our way!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to know the history of your building and the neighborhood. How many units--was it always an apartment building? Met any neighbors?
