Tuesday, September 1, 2015

So you're saying to yourself, "something must have gone wrong. It can't be that perfect."

Okay, so I’m sure you’re sitting there saying, okay, “Something must not be to your liking or something must have gone wrong.”  Well not much, actually, but here are the five things that have gone wrong or or haven't worked out since the move. 
  • Our house in Gainesville hasn’t sold. Beautiful house, wonderful neighborhood in Ashton. Across the street from one of the top three elementary schools (Talbot) in Alachua County. We missed the early summer selling season (originally Larry was going to stay longer, but that changed) – and then we had to move, sell what we weren’t taking, etc. – so we got a late start.  So if you or someone you know is looking for a great house, look on any realtor’s site for 4502 NW 58 Ave., Gainesville or call Craig Wilburn at 317-8216.  Price just reduced!
  • It’s been WAY too hot in New York City - 21 days above 86 since the beginning of August. These last few days we’ve been averaging 10-12 degrees higher than normal.  Holding our breath for mid-September when it looks like we’ll get back to cooler temps. Still, it’s better than having to wait until sometime in late October or early November for a day that feels like fall. 2a – as a result of aforementioned high temps, the electric bill was higher than we’d hoped.
  • Missy left last week for her home in Atlanta.  Yes, I’ve gotten attached to the pup.  She’s lived with us for more than 11 months over the past year and a half – and I’m pretty smitten with her, but she belongs in Atlanta with Jenni and Amado. She’s the most adaptable dog I’ve ever seen – she’s lived in the Dominican Republic, Gainesville, Atlanta, NYC – spent vacations in hotels in the DR, NYC, Atlanta. Stayed 10 days in a puppy hotel when we were in NYC for Dana and Nate’s wedding (granted, she wouldn’t eat and lost a lot of weight) and stayed with Nate’s parents when we were in Kentucky for Mommy’s funeral. She just kinda goes, “Okay, whatever.  I’ll deal with it.” Good news is – now I can spoil Siena and Alila. Once it cools down, I see walks in our future!
  • Sometimes our desire to walk exceeds our ability, aka “getting old sucks.” Even with the heat, early morning walks along the Hudson River have been wonderful. We end up walking 3-4 miles on both Saturday and Sunday mornings; then my poor, old hips complain all day Monday and Tuesday. LOL. 
  • The Yankees haven’t been playing very well.  After leading the AL East seven games earlier this summer, they now are a game and a half behind Toronto. Ugh, Toronto. The good news is we no longer have to pay for MLB Extra Innings and can watch the pre- and post-game shows on the YES network.  The bad news is the Yankees are 5-6 for the last 11 games. Here’s hoping for a strong September.
And here’s hoping you keep reading.

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