Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New York City move - final checklist

Find apartment. Check.

Order cable, internet, and electricity. Check.

Decide what to take and what not to take (and try not to kill each other). Check.
Pond at Central Park

Get renter’s insurance. Check.

Find healthcare for the bridge between jobs. Check. (Thanks, Obama)

Pack, pack, pack, pack and pack. Close.

Get rid of everything we’re not taking. Close. (Estate sale at our home Friday & Saturday, July 24-25)

The move is almost here – thankfully – just two more days. As Larry says, some days it seems like it’ll never come; other days, it seems like we have too much to do in the remaining time left.

So here’s the schedule:
Movers arrive – Thursday afternoon
L&Q drive to Jacksonville – Thursday night
L&Q fly to NYC – Friday morning (also my birthday!)
Get keys to the apartment – Saturday morning!!!
Movers arrive – Saturday afternoon

Our new address:
Larry and Quenta Vettel
228 W. 71st Street, Apartment 6i
New York, NY 10023

New York City Weather Forecast for Friday: Partly cloudy. High 82 Low 68. Yay!!!!!!!! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Missy's plane ticket - CHECK!!!
