Saturday, July 25, 2015

Top 10 best things about our first week in New York City

1. Almost daily walks along the Hudson River. I think we’ve only missed a day – and Missy has figured out the way to and from the apartment – which is almost a mile. Pretty cool! There’s a great route along the river going south that bicyclists can’t take – which is better because you don’t have to play dodge-bikes.

2. Going to the corner fruit/veggie stand on the way home from our walk to buy a red pepper for this morning’s breakfast burritos. It was the only ingredient I didn’t have – and instead of having to go into a store, fight crowds and wait in line for a cashier, we just stopped by the stand and paid 50 cents for a huge red pepper!

3. Being able to find fresh halibut at Citarella’s for our first home-cooked meal in the apartment. Citarella’s is a specialty grocery store – with seafood and meat counters, a great cheese shop, fresh pasta and a diverse deli counter. Yes, I’m going to spend a LOT of money there!

4. Being able to see Dana and Nate. Nate was great in helping put together the furniture we ordered and he and Dana worked extremely hard on move-in day.  Dana and I met one day after (her) work for a quick glass of wine!

Elliott Hall on Barnard's campus
5. Taking the subway up to Barnard College and showing Larry where my new job will be! It is a beautiful urban campus – a mix of old and new buildings, beautiful trees and small greenspaces.

6. Meeting several people who have stopped, chatted and welcomed us to the area – especially when we’re walking Missy. People with dogs are SO friendly (except for the one stupid woman who in a tiny enclosed park a couple of doors down from our building let her dogs off leash and let one of them attack Missy and didn’t even say sorry. I grabbed Missy and left).

7. Getting to know the staff in the building and finding out how great they are. I ordered a hanging pot rack from Williams-Sonoma (super heavy) and the guys patiently figured out how to hang it for me in our tiny kitchen. It is so cool – and really helps with our space issues.

8. Going to a day game at Yankee Stadium – sitting in the shade, eating a hot dog and watching a big Yankee win over the Orioles.

9. The beautiful flowers Phil and Paula Vettel sent and several cards and messages we received from Gainesville friends.

10. Walking an average of 4.55 miles each day – Larry’s average is higher because he did some errands yesterday while I stayed at the apartment while the maintenance guys hung the pot rack. It is so invigorating to look at your phone app and realize how many steps you take in your everyday life if you’re living in an urban environment. Added bonus: I’m sleeping better. Physical exhaustion helps.

1 comment:

  1. Excited to hear details of your new job! Congrats and glad everything is going so well.
